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2023 is coming to an end,Ningbo foreign trade industry situation "stable" seek "progress"

The end of 2023 is less than a month away. According to the data released by Ningbo Customs, the stable and good trend of foreign trade has been further consolidated: in the first 11 months of this year, Ningbo's foreign trade imports and exports reached 1.17 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.8%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points over the first 10 months.

In November, Ningbo's foreign trade imports and exports exceeded 110 billion yuan, and the monthly imports and exports have achieved positive year-on-year growth for four consecutive months, and the monthly imports have hit a record high.

The reporter interviewed the heads of relevant departments and industry experts. They said that since the third quarter, positive factors have been accumulating, and the "stable" foundation of Ningbo's foreign trade has continued to be consolidated this year, and the momentum of "advance" has emerged.

"Stable" : the foreign trade situation has steadily recovered.

Chen Yi, general manager of Ningbo Dijia Weida Trading Co., LTD., recently made a special effort.

A month ago, she just finished the sixth China International Import Expo, and rushed to the fifth Overseas Chinese Import Commodities Expo, 2023 China Yiwu Import Commodities Expo, 2023 Global high-end food and Quality Agricultural products (Shenzhen) Expo.

Not only her, this year's Ningbo foreign trade people are mostly "air trapeze", they draw a dense curve in the air, interwoven Ningbo foreign trade "stable" background color.

According to Ningbo Customs statistics, in the first 11 months of this year, Ningbo's import and export volume reached 1.17 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.8% year-on-year. Looking around the country, 0.8% is hard won.

This 0.8% comes from enterprises constantly exploring new possibilities in new and old markets

A few days ago, Ningbo Deli Import and Export Co., Ltd. declared the export of a batch of staplers, ballpoint pens and other stationery plastic products to Ningbo Customs, filled with four containers.

"We have sent overseas marketing specialists to 'base' in Vietnam, and we accelerated the internationalization of the brand by signing Vietnamese singers earlier this year." Ge Ina, head of Deli import and export, said that since the beginning of this year, Deli has exported more than 130 million yuan to Vietnam, a slight increase year-on-year.

This 0.8%, from the "new and old friends" hand in hand.

Taking imports and exports to the United States as an example, according to Ningbo Customs statistics, in November, Ningbo's imports and exports to the United States, an "old friend", increased by 10.9% year-on-year. Including November, Ningbo's import and export to the United States has maintained positive year-on-year growth for four consecutive months.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that during the same period last year, Ningbo's export base to the United States was low, and in the near future, the destocking cycle of the United States market has come to an end, and some industries have entered the replenishment cycle. These are the main reasons why Ningbo's export growth rate to the United States continues to pick up.

This 0.8% comes from the resilience of large, small and medium-sized enterprises

"Air fryers are well received by foreign consumers, especially in Brazil, because they are cost-effective and durable." Zhang Qian, deputy general manager of Ningbo Jiale Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., told reporters that this year, the company designed an air fryer suitable for the characteristics of local living habits in Brazil, and achieved a substantial increase in market share.

Jiale is not alone. Data show that in the first 11 months of this year, Ningbo's private enterprises achieved imports and exports of 884.36 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8%, accounting for 75.4% of Ningbo's total imports and exports in the same period, is the "main force" driving the development of Ningbo's foreign trade.

During the same period, the import and export of foreign-invested enterprises and state-owned enterprises reached 203.16 billion yuan and 84.79 billion yuan respectively.

This 0.8% comes from the continuous efforts in the advantageous areas.

Trade with Central and Eastern European countries is one of Ningbo's strengths.

Good news recently came from the China-CEEC Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone. Since its inauguration in 2018, the total import and export volume of the demonstration zone and CEEC countries has exceeded 200 billion yuan, and the average annual growth rate of imports has reached 42.3%.

To tell the story of Central and Eastern Europe well to the Chinese market is the initial intention of Zhang Peng, general manager of Ningbo Asengxiang International Trading Co., LTD. "Such a good result gives me more confidence to win more orders." Zhang Peng said.

Clothing, furniture, home appliances and other foreign trade "old three", new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products and other foreign trade "new three" is also the field of Ningbo foreign trade continue to "show their strength".

Data show that in the first 11 months, Ningbo's exports of household appliances increased by 11.5% year-on-year, and exports of solar cells and lithium-ion batteries increased by 10.3% and 30.9% respectively.

"Forward" : foreign trade development next year is expected

Based on the foreign trade achievements in the first 11 months, the heads of relevant departments, industry experts and some entrepreneurs said that they are confident that Ningbo's foreign trade will achieve positive growth year-on-year throughout the year.

"We have done a statistical survey of trade prosperity not long ago, and the proportion of Ningbo enterprises that reflect the increase in export and import orders has increased. This year, Ningbo foreign trade is expected to achieve the goal of promoting stability and improving quality." Ningbo Customs relevant person in charge said.

From December 11 to 12, the Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting stressed that next year, we should focus on promoting high-quality development, highlight key points, grasp key points, and do a solid job in economic work. One of them is to expand opening-up at a high level.

Combined with the spirit of the meeting, what is the potential of Ningbo's foreign trade "into"?

Ningbo University business School associate professor Ye Jinsong concerned that in November this year, Ningbo's monthly imports hit a record high, "This is a signal that domestic demand is picking up, especially metal ore and mineral sand imports increased by more than 30%, which confirms that Ningbo's manufacturing industry is also picking up."

In his view, manufacturing and foreign trade is the shining "twin star" in the Ningbo economy, the more foreign trade orders, the faster the manufacturing industry picks up, and the manufacturing industry can enhance the competitiveness of foreign trade.

"Looking at next year, I am still optimistic about Ningbo foreign trade. In the face of a complex and severe external environment, stabilizing foreign trade does have pressures, ups and downs, and challenges. However, "the bigger the fish, the more expensive", in the wind and waves in the "fight out of the encirclement", Ningbo has a foundation. This foundation is the vast number of foreign trade people, is a lot of foreign trade supporting industries, is the city of Ningbo itself." Ye Jinsong said.

Wang Rui, dean of the School of International Economics and Trade, Ningbo University of Finance and Economics, analyzed that Ningbo's foreign trade began a "V-shaped" reversal in August, with a year-on-year growth of 0.8% in the first 11 months, higher than the national level in the same period. For Ningbo, which is highly dependent on foreign trade, such achievements are very bright.

Wang Rui said that Ningbo firmly takes the road of high-level opening up, foreign trade entrepreneurs have experienced the test in the rough seas, and are adjusting their strategies according to the changes in the international market, increasing independent intellectual property rights and technological innovation, finding the international division of labor chain and embedding in the global value chain.

"Next year, in order to maintain a good development trend of positive growth, Ningbo should stabilize the traditional markets of Europe and the United States, increase the" Belt and Road "to build countries, RCEP member states and other markets, improve Ningbo's position in the value chain, and continue to optimize the business environment, and amplify the spillover effect of Ningbo's small and medium-sized enterprises industrial cluster." It is necessary to speed up institutional opening, take Ningbo area of Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone as the forefront of institutional innovation, accelerate institutional innovation stress testing in key areas such as bulk commodity resource allocation center, intelligent manufacturing of new materials, and service industry, and increase support for new forms of trade such as digital trade, cross-border e-commerce, offshore trade, and entrepot trade."

Declaration: This article comes from the China Ningbo net.If copyright issues are involved, please contact us to delete.

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